Artwork > Translations > connected art reflecting empathy (c.a.r.e.)

Staying 6 feet apart, but close in my heart


Link 1: "Staying 6 feet apart, but close in my heart"​ submitted by Yaara, age 6


Link 1: "Staying 6 feet apart, but close in my heart"​ submitted by Yaara (age 6)


Link 2: Close in my heart, found object mosaic, submitted by Emily Bhargava


Link 2: Close in my heart, found object mosaic, submitted by Emily Bhargava

​Artist Reflection: I love the internal rhyme and the sentiment of the phrase that was sent to me. It made me think about how hard it is to stay apart because as humans we need connection and closeness. The piece of metal at the center of the pendant represents the stickers on the ground in front of stores to show people how to stand 6 feet apart and the measuring tapes that are drawn in all of the warning diagrams. The glass shapes at either end represent two people who care about each other. I chose glass that has a reflective bottom that iridizes the light so that it looks like it’s glowing, like hearts that still beat for each other even at a distance.


Link 3: Grow Through, mixed media painting (watercolor, acrylic paint and micron pens) submitted by Laura Smith


Link 3: Grow Through, mixed media painting (watercolor, acrylic paint and micron pens) submitted by Laura Smith

Artist Reflection: My community has shown up time and time again, for each other and for me, throughout these extreme circumstances. Like precious gems forming under incredible pressure and making beauty in unique and sometimes unwelcoming environments, the care that I have given and received have solidified into something rare and precious. When I think of this time of pandemic, I hope to be able to hold onto all that we have created as well as all of the structures that have needed to be unlearned.


Link 4: From Nothing, Everything, poem submitted by Gavi Elkind


Link 4: From Nothing, Everything, poem submitted by Gavi Elkind

Artist Reflection: I was inspired by the different kinds of growth depicted in the watercolor, and the beautiful inevitability that unites them. All living beings are compelled to grow -- but what do we need in order to do so gracefully? The tiny dots at the base of the image were a constant reminder for me of the way we all begin our journeys of growth, and the worlds that emerge when we flourish.


Link 5: Little Snow, photograph submitted by Charly Nanda and her son Jasper (age 6)


Link 5: Little Snow, photograph submitted by Charly Nanda and her son Jasper (age 6)

Artist Reflection: From Nothing, Everything inspired my family to take a walk in the Needham Town Forest to see if we could photograph blooms in the snow. Our love for icicles, snowballs, and walking on thin ice lead us to a mossy green spot near the pond. Nowhere did we see flowers in bloom, but soon they'll be everywhere.


Link 6: “New Growth” submitted by Barbara Sperber


Link 6: “New Growth” submitted by Barbara Sperber

​Artist Reflection: In the lovely photograph I saw the melted snow indicating the change of seasons. The dead leaves contrasted with the bright green of the new growth which was nurtured, with perseverance, during the harshness of the winter snow. So, change, perseverance, and nurturing were necessary for the new growth, and I view the growth signifying hope. Perhaps all of these elements are also important to remember in getting through difficult times.

Note: This chain was started with a submitted community response to the prompt: How have you cared for others or how others have cared for you during these challenging times? The artists did NOT see the reflections written by the previous artist, only the image of the work and the title. The reflections were revealed only when the chain was complete. The six links in the chain are intended to offer a creative way to connect and offset the six feet of physical distance we need to keep from each other in order to care for each other.

Feeling inspired? Create your own artistic response to this chain and share on instagram #translationsart.