Artwork > Translations

Translations: chains of positive energy (c.o.p.e.)

Translations: chains of positive energy (c.o.p.e.) was launched in April 2020 in direct response to the isolating effects of the Covid-19 crisis. After experiencing the powerful connections created by participating in chains of art in the original Translations exhibit, Tova launched this project as a way to reach out to others. We may be physically distancing, but we can still be connected.

​Over 75 artists participated in the project - together creating chains of seven expressions, linked and representing the seven days in each week that felt so long. The 14 chains that resulted represent the recommended days of quarantine before re-emerging. Each chain was started by someone offering a word/phrase/quote that describes a quality or mindset they have that allows them to move forward through these challenging times. The word was then sent to another artist to "translate" into their own modality. Once complete, that new artwork was sent to a different artist to translate into a different modality, and on and on, with each artist ONLY seeing the one translation immediately prior to their own. Every completed chain begins with a word/phrase and ends with a word/phrase, and is translated through various art forms in between. Click the images below to view the chains, discover artistic inspiration and share the positive energy. 


Read a related article here: Chains of Art Offer Peace During the Pandemic