Link 1: Everything is Impermanent, submitted by Joelle Tomb

Link 2: Like Leaves on a Tree, origami paper and elastic, handsewn, submitted by Caitlin Avery

​Artist Reflection: "Everything is Impermanent" brings me great relief when it comes to wearing a mask everywhere--I cannot wait to be done with them! I saw one hanging from a tree one day on my dog walk one day and it reminded me of a big leaf, ready to be released in the fall. Pretty sure masks will be in the mix for beyond next season, but definitely not forever. I created these tiny masks out of origami paper, staples, and elastic, to emphasize their beauty and impermanence. Their impermanence was validated when I tried to get a good picture of them outside on a breezy day, and the masks kept flying away!

Link 3: Strength, lava beads, natural stone, painted bone beads ​submitted by Ashley Buckholtz

Artist Reflection: The patterns and colors are done deliberately: bead patterns are in multiples of seven, calming colors and natural stones are used. The repetitive motion, counting and color matching are done with intention and mindfulness to steady my feelings and calm my loud and ever thinking brain. The colors, patterns and images of the masks hanging in the tree from the previous work inspired me to display my beading on our tree as well.

Link 4: Ubuntu: I am because we are, mixed media mirror submitted by Sarah Himmelstein

Artist Reflection: The “strength” I sense in link three is connection. Beads strung together can represent the strength we form in connection with one another. I also believe we find great strength in connection with ourselves. I tried to depict both forms of connection in this painting on a wooden mirror frame. I used acrylic paints and glued a few additional flower decorations to the vines. I learned the African term “Ubuntu” a few years ago and believe its meaning, “I am because we are,” embodies the theme of universal connection.

Link 5: Fellow Traveler, digital painting submitted by Sara Bellin

Artist Reflection: I was so taken by the title of the last piece, "Ubuntu: I am therefore we are" with the mirror placed in the center reflecting the viewer's reflection back at them. In my painting I tried to communicate this idea that we are never the product of only our own hard work and identity, rather of a larger whole, our own path lit also by the light of others.

Link 6: How I Neighbor, digital photo collage submitted by Adele Traub

​Artist Reflection: The previous piece showed neighbors in windows, offering each other comfort. Almost all of my "neighboring" and support has been done via Zoom during the pandemic and the Zoom windows are my neighbors and support system. I also included other things that have kept me going through this. Without these zoom neighbors and neighborhood visits, my isolation would have been almost complete. It has been immeasurable in making me feel connected to, and deepening my relationships with, my loved ones - an unexpected gift in a time when gifts are completely unexpected.

Link 7: Galaxy, ​submitted by Dekel Luban

​Artist Reflection: The previous image gave me the impression of a constellation of people organized around a community centerpiece (the mini-library!- one of my favorite communal centerpieces). Because of the zoom images it featured, it reminded me also of the notions of distanced connection that have been emphasized in quarantine. Those points together suggested something nebulous, expansive, and airy, and in a formation of sorts. Hence, galactic!

Note: The artists did NOT see the reflections written by the previous artist, only the image of the work and the title. The reflections were revealed only when the chain was complete.

Feeling inspired? Create your own artistic response to this chain and share on instagram #translations2020.