Link 1: "Creating new ways to connect"​ submitted by Katya P.


Link 1: "Creating new ways to connect"​ submitted by Katya P.


Link 2: Unexpected Family Time, corrugated cardboard, ink, and computer-wire, submitted by Joanne Baker


Link 2: Unexpected Family Time, corrugated cardboard, ink, and computer-wire, submitted by Joanne Baker

​Artist Reflection:  The idea of this corrugated cardboard, ink, and computer-wire depiction of "Creating New Ways to Connect," came quickly to me. While ZOOM was the savior for teaching during quarantine, it also became an integral portal for my family to be together and visit every Sunday. All of us, from oldest to youngest, recognizing the joy and beauty of sharing the mundane, which we remain doing every week, and which none of us sees ending, despite our lives resuming normalcy.


Link 3: Corrugated Boxes Oh My, Acoustic Guitar and Voice improv, submitted by Phillip Speiser

​Artist Reflection:  Inspired from being with the corrugated cardboard images, some very powerful emotions and thoughts began to emerge for me. I was thinking and sensing into a conflicted set of feelings and thoughts: can we have fun in this time of COVID? Dress up and let our hair down and bunny ears flop; and at the same time, will there be anything dangerous lurking around the corner, that can come jumping out of the zoom box? This was powerful, being with the images and finding my response.


Link 4: “Zooming” bunnies, sculpey, wire, cardboard, and paper, submitted by Ilan S. (age 10)


Link 4: “Zooming” Bunnies, sculpey, wire, cardboard, and paper, submitted by Ilan S. (age 10)

Artist Reflection: I heard the words “look out,” “zoom,” “bunny,” and “box” in the music and it felt a little like it might be in the background of a moving roller coaster. Roller coasters have a lot of ups and downs and so does Covid. I have felt the "ups" when I'm having fun with family and friends so I made a computer screen like we are on a zoom call and all of sudden a family of bunnies comes "zooming" out on a roller coaster.


Link 5: An Ear and a Paw, pencil and digital illustration submitted by Tal Dibner


Link 5: An Ear and a Paw, pencil and digital illustration submitted by Tal Dibner

Artist Reflection: My whole family loves rabbits, and we have about half a dozen wild ones who live around our house. My wife is a physician, and with Covid and its vaccines in the news I figured this was a way to confront something frightening in a comforting way. Hopefully we can all lend a paw one way or another, and lending an ear is a good way to begin.


Link 6: “We owe each other” submitted by Kristi Faby


Link 6: “We owe each other” submitted by Kristi Faby

​Artist Reflection: Empathy is listening to someone and then taking positive action with that person in mind. During the pandemic, there are so many people who have done so much for us- from healthcare workers to scientists and everyone in between. The only way to pay it forward is to really hear each other and do what we can to keep each other alive.

Note: This chain was started with a submitted community response to the prompt: How have you cared for others or how others have cared for you during these challenging times? The artists did NOT see the reflections written by the previous artist, only the image of the work and the title. The reflections were revealed only when the chain was complete. The six links in the chain are intended to offer a creative way to connect and offset the six feet of physical distance we need to keep from each other in order to care for each other.

Feeling inspired? Create your own artistic response to this chain and share on instagram #translationsart.