Artwork > Translations > connected art reflecting empathy (c.a.r.e.)

Balancing being present with giving space


Link 1: "Balancing being present with giving space"​ submitted by Becky Smith


Link 1: "Balancing being present with giving space"​ submitted by Becky Smith


Link 2: En Balance, pastel pencils and gouache on watercolor paper, submitted by Mariliana Arvelo


Link 2: En Balance, pastel pencils and gouache on watercolor paper, submitted by Mariliana Arvelo

​Artist Reflection: I made this painting with my 4 year old. Anaya and I work as a team, and we do art pretty much every day. This is our interpretation of balancing and space.


Link 3: Dancing through Difficulty, watercolor and glitter glue submitted by Michele A.


Link 3: Dancing through Difficulty, watercolor and glitter glue submitted by Michele A.

Artist Reflection: The previous piece that I looked at made me think about finding balance. I want to start dancing to lift my spirits in spite of having so many other responsibilities.


Link 4: Contrast, photograph submitted by Lisa Wong


Link 4: Contrast, photograph submitted by Lisa Wong

Artist Reflection: Two dancers work together yet are at odds. Is he supporting her weight, or impeding her progress? Is she seeking his support, or are her eyes looking beyond to another path? I was inspired by the previous work as I contemplated the role of the broom and the enigmatic look on the face of the dancer. (Note: dancers are Wendy Whelan and Brian Brooks)


Link 5: Orange, acrylic on canvas submitted by Sheri Kennedy


Link 5: Orange, acrylic on canvas submitted by Sheri Kennedy

Artist Reflection: I love the light/dark contrast in the photograph, and the way the figures seem to balance each other in the moment captured. This painting of a mandarin orange is a study in contrasting colors. To me, it also speaks to the self-care and balance that comes with eating well.


Link 6: “Nourishment” submitted by Lauren Krueger


Link 6: “Nourishment” submitted by Lauren Krueger

​Artist Reflection: Sometimes I barely have words. This one sprang immediately to mind.

Note: This chain was started with a submitted community response to the prompt: How have you cared for others or how others have cared for you during these challenging times? The artists did NOT see the reflections written by the previous artist, only the image of the work and the title. The reflections were revealed only when the chain was complete. The six links in the chain are intended to offer a creative way to connect and offset the six feet of physical distance we need to keep from each other in order to care for each other.

Feeling inspired? Create your own artistic response to this chain and share on instagram #translationsart.