Artwork > Community Art Workshops > Intergenerational Workshops

Circles of Time, 2016-17
Shillman House in Framingham

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I had the pleasure of working with an intergenerational group of middle school students from MetroWest Jewish Day School and residents from Shillman House in Framingham to design, paint, and collage a mural tryptic now installed in the main hallway at Shillman House for all to enjoy.

The following is the artist statement that was created along with the work:

This colorful tryptic was created by the residents of Shillman House together with students from MetroWest Jewish Day School under the direction of artist Tova Speter. Inspired by circles, the passing of time, and intergenerational connections, each panel represents experiences in the circle of life: memories of the past, connections of the present, and dreams of the future.

Students and residents met once a month throughout the school year to brainstorm, design, and create the three-paneled artwork. They built connections as they engaged in art-making that focused on working collaboratively, identifying values they hold most important, mixing colors with partners, sharing memories and dreams, and making many, many colorful circles that all contributed to the final artwork.

Participants were also inspired by the artwork of Wassily Kandinsky as they explored color; and all design elements were created with intention and meaning, from the tree theme to the color choices of each panel. The final artwork serves as a lasting visual representation of the intergenerational connections made during the project and hopes to add color and inspire new meaning to all those interact with it in the future.